Announcements & Upcoming Events:
Articles and Podcasts featuring Dr. Wozniak:
- Check out this podcast about FASD research at the U of MN, also featuring Dr. Gimbel
- Check out this article about FASD research at the U of MN
New Publication:
- We are excited to announce the publication of our new paper in "The Journal of Pediatrics" called "Normative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data Increase the Sensitivity to Brain Volume Abnormalities in the Classification of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder". Read more here.
Our Current Studies:
- Choline Nutritional Intervention Study - Recruiting 2.5-5 year old children (under 6 years old).
- Brain Training Study - Recruiting 8-17 year old children and adolescents.
BRAIN-online Study - Recruiting 8-16 year old children and adolescents
For more information on these studies check out the "Research Information" tab.
MIDB Facility:
- We are located at the Masonic Institute of the Developing Brain (MIDB) at 2025 East River Parkway Minneapolis, MN 55414!
- To learn more about the facility click here to watch a short video.
What We Do:
- We use the latest brain imaging techniques and neurodevelopmental tests to study the brain changes caused by prenatal alcohol exposure.
- We are investigating the effects of computerized cognitive training and neuromodulation (mild electrical current) on the scalp on brain development in FASD.
- We are testing nutritional interventions with the goal to optimize brain development in young children with FASD.
Our Research Team:
- Jeffrey Wozniak, Ph.D., Principal Investigator
- Michael Georgieff, M.D., Co-Principal lnvestigator
- Amy Gross, Ph.D, LP, BCBA, Co-Investigator
- Kelvin Lim, Ph.D., Co-Investigator
- Bryon Mueller, Ph.D., MR Physicist
- Judith Eckerle, M.D., Study Pediatrician
- Abby Ernst, B.S., Research Coordinator
- Donovan Roediger, M.A., MR Analyst
- Jessica Emerick, B.S., Psychometrist
- Mary Anthony, B.A., Research Coordinator
- Blake Gimbel, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow
- Kent Tuominen, B.S., Research Coordinator